Thursday, July 21, 2011

H20 Fan Fiction: Emma and Ash

Hi the writer of this is yes indeed an amateur writer but she has great potential.
Here is her h20:just add water fan fiction story:(its bisnt done yet)

Dinner Time!

Chapter 1 of H2O
lovepink33 by lovepink33
As Emma was admiring a picture of her, Rikki, and Cleo, she heard a beep outside. “who is that” Emma whispered to herself. Then she peaked from the curtain. “oh, Rikki, Zane, Cleo, and Lewis are already here to pick me up for dinner at the Red Lobster.” Then Emma opened the door and smiled at them but she saw some stranger in the car with them. Emma looked confused for a moment. Then Emma walked up to the car and Zane rolled down the window. “ready for dinner tonight?” Zane asked. “yea…..” “oh and don’t mind the guy in the back with Rikki and Cleo he’s just a friend. well hop in the car!” said Zane smiling. Then they drove off to the Red Lobster.

lovepink33 by lovepink33
As they walked into the restaurant the waiter showed the their table. Everyone sat down and took a menu to chose what food they wanted. “I will have the crab legs with the clams please” Emma said. “okay, what drinks will you have?” asked the waiter. “we have water, Dr. Pepper, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, and Root Beer.” “we will all have the pepsi……” Rikki said. A few minutes later they got their food and their drinks. “mmm….this is soo good” said Cleo. Then Emma, Rikki, and Cleo took a sip of their drinks but they felt that the cups were wet because they just washed them. Then the girls looked at eachother. They all ran at the same time into the river next to the restaurant.

The girls came back in the restaurant when they got dry. Emma sat back down and ate her food. " what were you guys doing? by the way, my name is Ash." “oh……we just thought……..we…….Ashley Tis…dale?” said Cleo nervously. Emma and Rikki gave her weird looks. “well I had to say something or else they would find out” whispered Cleo. As they all sat down, Emma and Ash started admiring eachother and Emma started to swirl her spaghetti with her fork. Then Ash started to speak. “you have gorgeous eyes” Emma giggled “why thank you. you are very sweet Ash.” then she smiled. “So, what is your name?” asked Ash. “Emma.” she responded. “what a beautiful name.” Then Emma started to blush. And the rest of the time at dinner all they did was flirt.

Chapter 4 of H2O
lovepink33 by lovepink33
Sadly, it was time to go home. As they were walking back to the car Rikki and Cleo started talking about how in love they are and how it was soo cute. " you two were soo cute!! the whole time you guys just kept looking into eachothers eyes!! and i asked you if you can pass the salt but you were too busy day dreaming about Ash" Then they all giggled. A few minutes later they were on front of Emma’s house. "byeee see Rikki, Cleo, Zane, and Lewis tomorrow at the beach!! smiled Emma. Before Emma left, Ash grabbed her arm and gave her a piece of paper. “heres my number. text me sometime!” “awwwwwww” said Rikki and Cleo at the same time. Then Emma rolled her eyes at them and smiled. When she got into her room, she jumped on her bed and started texting Ash. Here was the conversation:

[[[ Emma ]]] hii ash lol [[[ash]]] hey whats up? [[[ Emma ]]] nm, just watching tv [[[ Ash ]]] cool [[[ Emma ]]] *yep :) * [[[ Ash ]]] * listen……I have to tell you something* [[[ Emma ]]] what? [[[ Ash ]]] well I was wondering if you…wanted to go out with me [[[ Emma ]]] *ash….I’d love to go out with you!! :D * [[[ Ash ]]]] thats great, so i guess i will see you tomorrow!? [[[ Emma ]]] * Ofcourse!! well I have to go I’ll talk to you later, byee<3 * [[[ Ash ]]] * Okay, bye<3 * Then Emma threw her phone on the other side of the bed, put both of her hands on her chest, closed her eyes, and smiled.

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