Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rikki and Zane: Love Forever Chapters 1-10

" Rikki!, wait up " Zane screamed after her
" What do you want Zane" Rikki responded
“Well remember graduation when we were getting along better” he had asked
“of course i remeber my own graduation it was only a few weeks ago” Rikki told him
“Come on Rikki please give me another chance i can’t just be friends with you , it has to be more, you know we have something between us” Zane whispered to me
“Trust me Zane i want there to be more but we just keep getting together then breaking up its tiring” I quickly whispered
Zane grabbed Rikki’s hand.
“I can prove that wrong just give me one more chance and then if we break up after that we can be done forever if you want that” Zane said to Rikki and a smile appeared on her face
They began walking on the beach talking about old memories they had between eachother.
Suddenly Zane grabbed Rikki’s arm and pulled her towards a beautiful light blue beach house with a garden full of red and purple roses. The house was huge.
“What do you think of it” Zane asked her
“Its amazing its so beautiful, but huge” I answered
Why would he be taking me to a random beautiful house Rikki Thought

" What would you say if i bought this house?" Zane sarcastically asked me
" I would say you are crazy" I sarcastically responded
" Well i bought it" Zane whispered as he grabbed Rikki’s hand
“Why buy such a huge house for your self” Rikki asked
“I’m not crazy, i didn’t buy it for myself, did ya really think i would do that” Zane asked with a grin on his face
“Maybe, and who else would live with you here, if its Nate you are crazy, Nate is a mental case who needs to learn how to stop being such a player and start looking for a brain”Rikki Stated
’ I was thinking….." Zane started to whisper
" thinking what" Rikki quickly asked

" I was thinking , maybe you can move in with me, and i get if you think im taking this too quickly but the house is huge we can have Lewis and Cleo move in too" Zane slowly but reasonably said to Rikki
" Surprisingly i would like that " Rikki responded with a huge grin on her face
" Great i already asked Cleo and Lewis yesterday and they’re moving in tomorrow but you can move in whenever" Zane stated
“uh, I can move in tomorrow also just give me the night to pack’ I responded
That night Rikki packed all of her belongings and got ready to move into her dream house tomorrow. This happening was a step into her future with Zane. She knew Zane would try to make the house as comfortable for me as possible which i thought was sweet.
Tomorrow would be the beginning to her future….

Today was the day…. The day me, Rikki Chadwick would actually be moving into a house away from my parents, with just my boyfriend and my two friends. This was a big moment for me.
As i pulled up to the beautiful huge house. Of course Zane was toutside to greet me.
" Hello beautiful" Zane said as he ran down the stairs to greet me with a hug and a kiss.
" Hi , I’m ready to see the house" I responded as Zane led me into the house
" Let me show you your room, it’s next to mine" Zane happily told me
As Zane led me into my rooms my moutch and eyes widened in amazement. He had obviously spent alot of time and money on the room. The walls were of the sea , the bed was huge with lots of purple and blue pillows, On the wall there was a portrait of me, above my bed there was a picture of me and Zane at prom when we were just 17, A flat screen was perfectly placed on the wall, and a huge walk in closet was in the corner.
“Wow Zane the room is amazing it even has a perfect veiw of the sea” I told Zane “I wanted to make it perfect for you” Zane sweetly said to me
" You are amazing Zane" i responded
“Beep,beep,beep” i heard from outside
" Thats probally Cleo and Lewis" i told Zane as i pulled him outside to greet them

"Cleo"I screamed as I ran down the beautiful stone stairs to hug Cleo
“Hi Rikki, I haven’t seen you since graduation” Cleo responded
I grabbed Cleo and Zane’s hand and led Cleo and Lewis to their rooms. Cleo’s was on the other side of mine and Lewis’s was right accross from hers. Their rooms were both pretty amazing but not as amazing as my room and Zane’s room. Life just seemed perfect, no flaws, just perfect….
4 Months Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everything was still perfect, Cleo and Rikki had been closer than ever and Rikki and Zane had been closer than ever. That night Zane planned to take her out to dinner…..everything was just about to begin…………

I walked out of my room all dressed up ready to go out to the “Camira” restaurant with Zane. My dress was the same beautiful ,red,long,elegant, dress Zane bought me when we fist started dating, my shoes were ruby red heels, my hair was down. Zane walked out of his room in a suit and linked arms with me and led me out to our limo outside.
“your really outdoing yourself Zane, but its amazing riding in the limo to the fanciest restaurant in Austrailia” I whispered to Zane. When we arrived at the Camira we both had lobster and crambrulei. After eating we got back in the limo. When the limo stopped at the docks i started wondering “what is he doing”.
“Come on Rikki im taking you for a ride on the boat” Zane told me
“Why are we going for a ride on your boat now” I asked him
“you’ll see " he responded with a huge guilty grin on his face
After Zane starting the boat i realized we were getting closer and closer to mako island.
When his boat stopped on the shore of mako Zane carried me to the moon pool .
" Why are we here" I asked him
“reasons” he responded
Zane was acting very strange tonight, i knew something would happen with our relationship tonight.
I didn’t know but, in just seconds my life would change forever…………..

As the sun began to set Zane put his hand behind his back and was obviously holding something.
“Rikki….” he whispered
“Yes Zane” i asked
’Well……………….will you marry me Rikki" Zane sweetly asked me and he pulled out a beautiful ring as he got down on his knees
“O-o-of course i will” I responded while basically crying
I immediatly hugged Zane and headed back home with him. When i told Cleo she was surprised Zane proposed but was happy for me.
Rikki and Zane wanted to get married as soon as possible they set up a place which would be Mako Island of course, wedding singer, Bella, geust list, my parents, zanes parents, cleo,lewis,bella,nate (blech), cleos parents, and lewis’s parents
Everything was going to be perfect

now there were only two weeks until the big day. Rikki and Zanes wedding. Everything was planned.
2 WEEKS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today was the day….everything was set at Mako . Now i just had to get ready. I was at ther moon pool now i had my beautiful wedding dress on. It was perfectly white, its length was shorter then to my knees, it had pearls forming a heart on the top. the outfit was completed with white sparkly heels, and a beautiful tiara holding my hair up with a long elegant veil attached to it. Cleo and Bella were doing my makeup as i thought about my future. Life was just amazing already imagine how great it would be later in life. It was now time for the wedding. As i walked down the isle i saw Zane towards the end smiling at me as i smiled back. As we said our "I do’s’ We kissed and headed onto our boat to head to the airport to go to hawii for our honney moon….

1MONTH LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Rikki and Zane stepped out of the limo they smiled at eachother.
“Zane im meeting the girls at Mako i’ll be back later ok” Rikki told Zane
“Okay be back soon sweety” Zane responded
I dove into the water thinking, and so eager to see Bella and Cleo after 1 whole month of being in Hawii. I swam into the moonpool’s enterence to be greeted by Bella and Cleo.
“Hi guys omg i missed you two so much” I screamed as i hugged them
“How was Hawii " Cleo and Bella asked me
“Beautiful, amazing, and awesome” i answered
“Thats good” Bella responded as she saw tears running down my face
" Rikki what is it, why are you crying , you just got married to your dresm guy, went on a perfect honey moon, what can you be sad about?" Cleo asked me and she wrapped a supportive arm on my shoulder
“It-it’s nothing i can tell anybody " I whispered as i dove into the water and swam far away.
I didn’t know where i was swimming, but didn’t care, what i was upset about i couldn’t tell anybody it woiuld ruin my marriage and life………………

As i sat on the bottom of the ocean floor just thinking, I saw Cleo approaching me. i swam up to see what she wanted.
“Why did you come to look for me " I asked her
“Because im worried about you, ever since you came back you’ve been acting so weird” Cleo responded in a caring voice.
“I know and i can’t tell you, it can ruin my marriage and life forever its already bad enough everyone is going to find out one day” I told her
“Let’s go back home ……i really need to lay down” I quickly told Cleo
When i got back home i ran into the bathroom locking the door so Cleo couldn’t get it . But she heard me and demanded me to open the door.
" Rikki open this door right now, your puking like crazy. Please just let me in" Cleo screamed as she pounded on the door.
As I opened the door i grabbed a towel to wipe my mouth with.
" Rikki, are you ok, when you were puking it didnt sound good" Cleo caringly told me
" I-ii-i-i know ……..meet me at mako i’ll be there soon just let me wash out my mouth" i slowly whispered.
The next moment i followed Cleo to mako wondering how i could tell her. When i swam to the top of the moon pool Cleo immediatly asked me why i wanted her to meet me here.
“Cleo theres something i have to tell you that you can’t tell anyone else, expecailly Zane, if he finds out i garuntee you he’ll divorce me or ignore me " I slowly told Cleo
“Please tell me I won’t tell a living soul” Cleo responded
“Good, here it is, wel i-i-ii……” i whispered
“well tell me " Cleo begged
“I’m pregnant” I screamed as i broke into tears
Then i ran off heading back home, right now i just needed to lay down and think about things….

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