Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rikki and Zane: Love Forever Chapters 11-20

When i returned home I ran crying into me and Zane’s room to find Zane unpacking.
" Rikki why are you crying , and i heard you before. Why were you puking so bad " Zane questioned me
" Zane i can’t tell you , if i do you’ll never want to see me again" I cryed
" Rikki that would never happen, just please tell me , " Zane begged
But it was too late I ran off to Mako . Not to the moonpool though that would be to obvious. I ran way up in the middle of the woods there. Then i remembered something, that night would be the full moon and it was nearly fully risen now. As Rikki looked up she began obsessivly staring into the moon.
" Must tell him" she said outloud
Rikki was now swimming as fast as she could home. When she stepped through the front door Zane was there waiting for her on the couch.
“Hi Rikki” He said outloud
" Zane do you want to know why i’ve been acting different?’ Rikki asked in a strange tone of voice
“I’ll give you a hint, what happens when a girl gets morning sickness " she whispered
“wh-wh-wh…..” Zane muttered

“Your pregnant " Zane asked me as i stood their in a blank possesive stare
“yes” i cried as i fell to the floor
“What happened i blacked out or something are you okay you look sick” I confusively asked Zane as i stood up while rubbing my head.
“Your-your-your pregnant” Zane studdered
“n-n-n-no im not what are you talking about” I screamed
" you told me " Zane whispered
" what have" i done i screamed as i ran away to the cafe to meet Bella and Cleo

When i walked through the doors of the cafe Bella was practicing on stage with the band as Cleo watched.
“Hi Cleo " I whispered
“Hi Riiki why do you sound so depressed” Cleo asked
" I got posessed by the moon last night and told Zane about me being pregnant, he’s traumatized now won’t even talk or look at me" I cried as Cleo hugged me
“It’s going to be okay he just needs time to think” Cleo told me
“I hope thats it” I muttered
Later that night I returned home scared to see how Zane was reacting now. Thats when i noticed Zane was gone . Then I went out to find him

As i walked by the cafe just about to dive into the water i heard footsteps coming from inside the cafe.
“Who’s in the cafe?” I asked myself
Then i thoiught for a minute wondering if i should go in to see what the noise is or if i should just ignore it and continue looking for Zane.
“Wait, Zane’s probally in the cafe restocking or checking the freezer” I thought\
Then I slowly walked towards the cafe doors pulling my key out of my pocket and slowly unlocking the door. When I walked through the doors i heard moaning.
Then I realized the noises were coming from my office (Zanes office).
As I unlocked the office door my draw dropped as i ran outside crying.

As i sat on the dock still crying and thinking Zane ran out of the cafe to meet me.
" Why are you crying"Zane asked me
“Oh don’t act all inocent ya pig” I screamed
" I saw you makeing out with Marium… i thought you were over her, and i thought she was gone" I cried
Then i ran to Mako island swimming as fast as possible. When i swam through the moonpool i realized Cleo was there.
“Whats wrong Rikki?” Cleo asked
“Z-z-z-zane was makeing out with Marium” I cried
“But Zane is over her right?” Cleo asked me
“I don’t know anymore…we were married and about to have a child, i knew me being pregnant with his baby would drive him crazy” I responded
“I don’t know if i’ll ever be able to forgive him” i whispered
Let’s go home i need to think right now" I demanded

When i returned home i actually saw Zane crying on the couch. Of course i still loved him so i sat next to him and tried to comfort him
" Zane just tell me why you kissed her" I asked him,
“She saw you " Zane whispered
“Saw me doing what?’ I responded
" She saw me and you swimming in the ocean, with you in mermaid form" Zane told me
" OMG!!!!, shes going to tell the world" I screamed
" Now she isn’t i only kissed her because she threatened me saying she would tell the whole world if i didnt kiss her i was just protecting you . Beleive me Rikki…I love you" Zane whispered to me
" Thats so sweet" I thought
" Ok i forgive you because i do beleive you and i will always love you" I told him as i kissed him
“Ithought you kissed her because you didnt love me anymore because of the baby” i studdered
“That is anything but true Rikki” Zane told me

The next morning i had woken up in alot of pain, i could tell something bad would happen that day.
When i looked beside me i noticed Zane was gone. As i walked out into the living room i saw Lewis already awake on the couch.
“Lewis do you know where Zane is?” I asked him
" He left to go diving a little while ago" Lewis responded
“He’s diving , last time he did he almost drowned” I nervously told him
“Dangit” I screamed as i felt water run down my leg
When Lewis noticed he woke Cleo up and they brought me to the hospital
An Hour Later~~~~~~~~ ’ Hi " i tiredly spoke to Cleo as i held my new daughter in my arms
" Wait, wheres Zane" i screamed
As i jumped out of bed i told Cleo to watch little Cleo Belle as i ran out to the front desk
“Hello… is Zane Bennett here” I asked
" Yes but you need to lay down" the lady calmly demamded
" Tell me where my husband is!!!" I screamed
“He’s in room 409” she responded
“Why is he in a room” i thought to myself
When i walked in the room i saw Zane awake but with a ton of wires connected to him

“Zane what happened” i asked him
“I went diving and hit my head on a rock, i fainted and drowned basically” Zane responded
“Why did you go out divingt you know how dangerous it could be” I calmly told him
" I know, im sorry, wait why are you hear and you dont look too pregnant anymore" Zane confusively asked me
“I had our baby this morning " I told him
" I missed it , im so sorry Rikki i didnt know" Zane pleaded
“its ok shes fine,healthy and beautiful and i think she would love to see you , i will be right back with her stay here” i told him
When I came back with Cleo Belle i introduced her to her father and handed her to him
“Shes beautiful”
The next morning me and Zane were able to go home with little Cleo Belle. Then i went for a swim with Cleo to relaz. When we got just miles from Mako we saw a ship and headed back to the docks. Bi=ut when we saw Nate on land looking at the docks we went underneath one
“Rikki ..oh no look theres gates surrounding the sides now " i screamed
Now we were stuck along underneath the docks scared someone would find us.

When me and Cleo looked up we noticed Will on the dock above us. He didn’t quite know abiout our secret but we thought long and hard about what we were about to do and then i spoke
“Will help us !!” I screamed
When he looked down he looked very confused
“Will help us bwe’re trapped under the dock” i screamed again
Then he dove into the water and picked the gates locks with a shocked look on his face
When we all swam up to shore he was still shocked but helped us out of the water
“I didnt know you two were mermaids, I knew Bella was but……”Zane whispered to us
then when we dried off Cleo hugged Will first for helping us then i did….but that was one huge mistake. Suddenly i saw Zane furious, running up to Will to punch him thinking he was flirting with me
" Rikki what were you two doing"Zane asked me
" I was hugging him for saving us, we were trapped in gates under the dock" I screamed at him
“oh” Zane embarassly responded
" It ok Zane but please just forgive Will, sometimes you get too over protective , but in a good way" i told him.

Everything seemed perfect now, me liviing in my dream house with my best friend,my love, and my daughter. Life was amazing.
" Rikki, omg look who’s here to visit!" i heard Cleo scream from down the hall
As i ran into the living room I noticed Emma there.
“Emma !” I screamed as i hugged her
“Emma we have so much catching up to do well Rikki got married to Zane and they had a beautiful daughter named Cleo Bellem” Cleo told Emma
“Thats great but i have to meet you guys at mako” Emma studdered
“Okay” me and Cleo responded
As we swam to mako i wondered why Emma was acting so weird…

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